About Us

Learn about the coder of this website and its inspiration. Feel free to reach out to us and give us feedback on our work!

The Purpose

The purpose of this project was to create a resource website for LGBTQ+ individuals and those wanting to support or learn more about the LGBTQ+ community.

Research was specifically conducted to highlight medical spaces that are safe for transgender individuals, as well as medical spaces that offer online services.

The Inspiration

The website was created in response to research done in a health communication seminar class on healthcare disparities in treating transgender individuals.

Inspiration was drawn from Alexis Williams's self-coded website that lists resources for the Black Lives Matter movement.

The Person

This website was coded by Hope Furukawa, a graduating student at Pacific Union College, for her seniors honors project. Hope is a double major in health communication and health sciences with two minors in biology and chemistry.

This project combined her desire for quality healthcare with her love for and identity with the LGBTQ+ community.

Contact Us

For any questions, comments, or concerns, reach out to Hope Furukawa at