Bridging the gaps in queer health disparities.


There are huge medical disparities and inequalities in treating queer people.

Many LGBTQ+ individuals are unable to find safe and affirming healthcare due to their home, environment, or location.

Many medical spaces also do not provide gender-affirming care for and recognition of transgender, non-binary, and genderqueer individuals.

Queer people experience discrimination in healthcare.

"Nearly a sixth of LGBTQ adults have experienced discrimination at the doctor’s office or in another health care setting, while a fifth say they have avoided seeking medical care out of fear of discrimination, according to a recent poll." - Alvin Powell, The Harvard Gazette

Queer people need more medical support.

LGBTQ+ people experience more "poor therapeutic alliance, lack of appropriate illness-related education, inadequate scheduled screening for communicable diseases, and inadequate interventions to prevent STDs." - Hafeez et al., The National Library of Medicine

Queer people lack LGBTQ-competent healthcare providers.

A National Academies of Medicine report found that "a significant contributor of health care inequities in LGBT patients is the lack of provider training and medical education." - Rowe et al., The National Library of Medicine


In an effort to combat healthcare disparities and inequalities in treating queer people, this website provides online resources, information, and education aimed towards uplifting the queer community. Our goal is to support queer people in all aspects - physically, mentally, and socially.


This website is made for queer individuals who are not out of the closet or unable to access medical resources due to their environment. We also want to provide educational resources to those wanting to support and learn more about the community.

If you're here, you're very valid and appreciated! Happy health and happy learning!